The Movie People

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Archive for the ‘External Articles’ Category

Directors, Take Note

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I’d like to take this time to highlight another blog, geared specifically toward directors.

The “60 Second Director” is written by Brian Belefant, and has a lot of good insights for directors.  I strongly recommend it.

You can also follow him on Twitter.

Written by Nick Taylor

September 26, 2009 at 12:00 pm

Does Netflix Really “Stink”?

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Richard Corliss of TIME Magazine recently wrote an opinion piece on Netflix.  Specifically why “Netflix Stinks”

With Netflix, you surrender those basic American rights: impulse choice and instant gratification. You must cool your jets for two to four days, dependent as you are on both the skill of Netflix employees to put the correct movie in your envelope (sometimes they don’t) and the speed of the U.S. Postal Service. By the time a video arrives, you may have forgotten why you rented it.

Needless to say, I agree with him completely.  I have Netflix (currently 2-at-a-time, soon to be 3)  and while I love the selection and convenience, I HATE waiting.  If a new movie comes out, I’d rather dash to the video store and grab it right away; with Netflix I have to wait quite a while.

The article’s a good read; I think Mr. Corliss has a good and fair argument.

“Why Netflix Stinks: A Critic’s Complaint” [Time Magazine]

Written by Nick Taylor

August 5, 2009 at 3:07 pm

Posted in External Articles

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